Februari 2023


Program Studi Pendidikan Akuntansi Universitas PGRI Palembang bekerja sama dengan Universitas Negeri Malang bekerja sama menyelenggarakan Kuliah Umum bertemakan Stabilitas Ekonomi Pendekatan Mikro dan Makro Ekonomi.

The Accounting Education Study Program at the PGRI Palembang University collaborated with the State University of Malang to organize a public lecture with the theme of “Economic Stability with Micro and Macroeconomic Approaches.”

Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan secara daring ini resmi dibuka oleh Rektor Universitas PGRI Palembang yang diwakili oleh Wakil Rektor III Bapak Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd, dihadiri oleh Dekan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan yang diwakili oleh Wakil Dekan II ibu Liza Murniviyanti, M.Pd., juga mahasiswa semester 1, 3, 5 dan 7 juga mahasiswa dari luar Universitas PGRI Palembang.

The activity, which was carried out online, was officially opened by the Chancellor of Palembang PGRI University, who was represented by Deputy Chancellor III Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd., and attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Teaching and Education, represented by Deputy Dean II Mrs. Liza Murniviyanti, M.Pd., as well as semester 1, 3, 5, and 7 students as well as students from outside PGRI Palembang University.

Penyampaian materi oleh Bapak Prof. Dr. Imam Mukhlis, S.E., M.Si., disampaikan dengan lugas dan jelas sehingga benar-benar dapat menambah pengetahuan bagi mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Akuntansi Universitas PGRI Palembang.

Submission of material by Prof. Dr. Imam Mukhlis, S.E., M.Sc., delivered in a straightforward and clear manner so that it can really increase knowledge for students of the Accounting Education Study Program at PGRI Palembang University.


Walau terpaan pandemi akibat covid 19 belum benar-benar usai, namun tidak menyurutkan bagi dosen dan mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Akuntansi Universitas PGRI Palembang untuk menorehkan prestasi buat program studinya.

Even though the impact of the pandemic due to COVID-19 has not really ended, it has not dampened lecturers and students of the PGRI Palembang University Accounting Education Study Program to make achievements for their study programs.

Salah satu mahasiswa Dea Husnul Khatimah bersama teamnya berhasil menyabet juara kedua pada acara Anugerah Enterpreneur Award 2021. Kegiatan bazar praktik kewirausahaan mahasiswa universitas PGRI palembang

One of the students, Dea Husnul Khatimah,  and her team won second place at the 2021 Entrepreneur Award Anugerah Entrepreneur Award 2021.   Entrepreneurial practice bazaar activity for PGRI Palembang University students

Rupanya keberhasilan dari team Dea menjadi motivasi team lainnya terutama dari Program Studi Pendidikan Akuntansi, sehingga akhirnya Program Studi Pendidikan Akuntansi dinobatkan sebagai juara umum pada acara itu.

Apparently the success of the DEA team motivated other teams, especially from the Accounting Education Study Program, so that the Accounting Education Study Program was finally crowned the overall winner of the event.

Beberapa dosen dari Program Studi Pendidikan Akuntansi pun mendapatkan penghargaan di acara itu salah satunya adalah Bapak Zahruddin Hodsay, S.Pd., M.M., yang mendapatkan penghargaan Certified BNSP Coaching UMKM

Several lecturers from the Accounting Education Study Program also received awards at the event, one of whom was Mr. Zahruddin Hodsay, S.Pd., M.M., who received the Certified BNSP Coaching UMKM award

Harapannya ke depan semoga acara seperti ini dapat semakin meningkatkan minat wirausaha mahasiswa di masa yang akan datang sehingga dapat membuka usaha bagi masyarakat luas.

The hope is that in the future, events like this can further increase student entrepreneurial interest so that they can open businesses for the wider community.